Boasting in a sentence as a noun

I wouldnt say you were boasting, Id say you were lying.

My ex-colleagues are constantly boasting of the great new things going on in my old hood.

He stated as much the first day of class, boasting "You're going to have the rare treat of learning how programming is done in the real world!

Maybe it's just a ploy to be able to say "IQ tests and school exams far easier than they should be" without coming off as boasting?

In the past Apple was always laughing at the PC ads boasting processor speed and memory capacity.

Then boasting - 3B in cash, we are doing just great!How many times the above strategy has worked for someone in as precarious position as RIM?

Not so much that this guy wants his 'friend' to suddenly start acting like an anonymous jobseeker, in order to get work he is being offered for being a 'friend'.No, I'm just horrified that the author is comfortable boasting about his arrogance.

I agree that the comment is content-free but honestly what did the company expect when they're boasting about their partnership with one of the world's most hated companies?I'm not exactly alarmed to see this comment at the top because it's ridiculous that the company was dumb enough to issue this press release.

Boasting definitions


speaking of yourself in superlatives

See also: boast self-praise jactitation