Self-aggrandising in a sentence as an adjective

I've always wondered, who are these sycophants who are always cheering Wolfram in his long self-aggrandising blog posts?

You can be competant, inovative, and teach and still be a histrionic, self-aggrandising arsehole that creates drama left, right, and centre.

I'm sorry but this is one of the most ridiculously vacuous, self-aggrandising pieces of nonsense I have ever seen submitted to HN.

I find them foolish and obnoxiously self-aggrandising, hence an open discussion would lead nowhere.

Wouldn’t it be just yet another piece of self-aggrandising performance art in this already totally narcissistic age?One writes to leave one’s mark.

I found the article to be thoughtful and insightful, having gone in to it with the suspicion it was going to be another CTO at a 7 person company self-aggrandising.

If LinkedIn sent me this box of self-aggrandising cruft I'd be geniunely pissed at them for imposing onto me the responsibility for its disposal.

You rarely find the accusation in a context where someone is doing something universally agreed to be virtuous even if they are being kinda self-aggrandising about it.

Valley-style entrepreneur culture seems to feature quite a generous serving of self-aggrandising ***-hattery.

This article is a vacuous, patronising, self-aggrandising ego-wank.

I get the impression that you perceive building a "framework" as a self-aggrandising exercise created for the sole purpose of standardising software development into creating run-of-the-mill products.

Musk has missed just about every goal he's ever set by a wide margin and has only managed to pull through because hordes of taxpayers and investors continue to line up to dump money into his black hole projects on the back of his self-aggrandising.

This response destroys the Atlantics reputation: blame dodging, inability to see why Scientology is an inappropriate advertiser, and self-aggrandising behaviour are all on display.

Because it's really all about him and his "rights", isn't it?This guys confusion of his personal amoral choice with some fantasy of a moral crusade, and fake embedding of himself in some kind of narrative of evil corporations vs moral individuals, is just self-aggrandising hackery, that his gore lust doesn't merit.

Self-aggrandising definitions


of or relating to or characteristic of self-aggrandizement

See also: self-aggrandizing


exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"

See also: boastful braggy cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandizing