Sedimentary in a sentence as an adjective

You're building up a mountain and you get to contribute your little layer of sedimentary rock to make the mountain that much higher. No one will see it, but they will stand on it."

The latter filter design uses cheap sedimentary layers inside a framed structure. Pour the turbid water on top, and clear water comes out the bottom.

I didn’t say I advocated for A sedimentary lifestyle. There’s a big difference between being active and intense exercise.

It's released whether you're active, sedimentary, eating a healthy diet, or junk food. When you eat breakfast in the morning, you're most certainly replenishing glycogen.

People are also increasingly sedimentary. Watching more TV, web surfing, playing video games.

I've been coding for 10 years now and have reached the point where I'm reasonably handy but I look at a post like this and the sedimentary layers upon layers of experience that Jeff has and feel like a total novice. And yet I can still build stuff that's useful.

I hope that at some point they can find a cross section of sedimentary rock to look at. I imagine it would be much less common on Mars since there is a lot less plate tectonics and certainly no highway systems, mining or construction exposing the rock but still, there might be a shot.

This has left a unique geological trace we observe everywhere across the planet: the white sedimentary + red rust striped 2 Ga rocks. The "microbes" were the first photosynthesisers.

They were created by sedimentary deposit of 1000s of man years of collaborative time and interaction, whether on HN or in other communities. This is how these bonds are shaped and the harmony they create is precious.

Steve Jobs' sedimentary rock analogy might deflate the egos of some developers. We work so hard on developing innovative hardware and software that will be relevant in the future.

Steno's theory that the shells were deposited in sedimentary layers in water that later turned to rock and were uplifted took about 120 years to be accepted. Science has proven slow to accept what in retrospect appears completely obvious.

> Go check sedimentary layers in affrica / Arabia / golden triangle 1. Why only those?

We can "easily" correlate stratigraphy across wide areas, but most sedimentary rocks are hard to date. For these particular fossils, the stratigraphy happens to contain a lot of volcanic ash units that can be directly dated.

"This view of layered rocks on the floor of McLaughlin Crater shows sedimentary rocks that contain spectroscopic evidence for minerals formed through interaction with water"

It's amazing what shapes are left behind when a soft, sedimentary rock surrounds and then erodes from denser igneous and metamorphic. I'm just a guy who likes to walk outside and certainly not a scientist, but this looks very much like a unique and fascinating protrusion of dense polished rock or metal.

Go check sedimentary layers in affrica / Arabia / golden triangle

People actually use adhoc models of sedimentation and the formation of sedimentary rock for practical purposes. I also think most people suspect that we'd learn something valuable by figuring out the underlying reason why the data fits the particular description.

Ran into this interesting factoid a couple days back: "Kerogen is solid, insoluble organic matter in sedimentary rocks. Consisting of an estimated 10^16 tons of carbon, it is the most abundant source of organic compounds on earth, exceeding the total organic content of living matter 10,000-fold...

That is, avoid the urge to frequently overwork and under-sleep, the sedimentary life-style of excess food/drink and insufficient exercise, and the constant self-applied pressure that you have to be better than someone else right now. Instead, go for a balanced life of work and rest, plenty of exercise, and trust yourself that you're going at a good pace and all good things take time.

Also, when evolutionary biologists refer to processes that occur over vast lengths of time, they aren't using time for its "wishy-washy benefit[s]", they're using time because time is what they observe in the form of sedimentary layers, isotopic decay, and genetic drift. Science is not like Doctor Who, in that "timey wimey" hand waving is discouraged.

Proper Noun Examples for Sedimentary

WRT the rest of the valley, the main problem is that it's built on sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock slows the seismic waves, which since you need to conserve energy, results in larger shaking.

Sedimentary definitions


resembling or containing or formed by the accumulation of sediment; "sedimentary deposits"


produced by the action of water

See also: aqueous