Factoid in a sentence as a noun

I have to paw at the screen 20 times to skim one factoid page, and it's ridiculous.

My favorite factoid from that book is that guppies can tolerate 10000G for 30 sec.

You can become a mindless factoid junkie from any source of factoids.

And he should be, now thousands and thousands of people will have this little factoid that they think is true in their heads.

The statement is worthless as it conveys no meaning, other than a factoid, as do my statements.

One random factoid, that's a favorite of mine: the Ku Klux Klan supported the right of women to vote.

Each molecule has ten electrons, so this factoid is off by about four orders of magnitude.

Another interesting factoid about him is that he didn't start his software company until he was 44.

My news stream is now 90% "X is now friends with 10 new people", "Y and 15 other friends changed their profile pic", "That book you [Liked] has a fun factoid to blather about".The iPhone app is worse.

I never understood that factoid, and always assumed it was an illusion --- we must have manyfold more computer-related degrees now that back in 1985

Odd factoid: You are responsible for my not being afraid of hexadecimal when I first encountered it in computer science literature.

That seems like a quintessential nerd factoid to me. It's clever, unusual, almost practical, and displays a knowledge of obscure topics while completely ignoring common sense knowledge like the fact that you don't grow tomatoes under the dirt.

In practice this doesn't matter that much since x86 doesn't support LL/SC, but I just think it's an interesting factoid to know.> For instance, PowerPC and ARM processors can change the order of memory stores relative to the instructions themselves, but the x86/64 family of processors from Intel and AMD cannot.

Factoid definitions


something resembling a fact; unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print


a brief (usually one sentence and usually trivial) news item