Secondment in a sentence as a noun

The point here is that NSA personnel are on secondment or implants to use another term.

I had a 6 month secondment to the USA at a previous job, and I needed a server to do data analysis on.

It's a pit stop - I'd consider myself on secondment, basically, you're saving to go and live somewhere that isn't a bolthole.

This is because Dutch employment laws make firing someone hard, but terminating a secondment contract is easy.

Or you can play with the developer-friendly core component, Lattice[3].Disclaimer: I work for Pivotal Labs and for a while I worked on secondment to the CF Buildpacks team.

Didn't realize that Non US Citizens could even get TS clearance except in special circumstances ie your on secondment from MI5 or MI6 or similar organization

I don't know the details, but I know my school had a person from IT with a computer science degree on secondment to the studies department at the beginning of each year to get the timetable sorted out.

Another form is “so and so is on secondment to [the new organization]”, as in “She is actually a naval officer, but is on secondment to the Air Force as part of an project to standardize repair procedures.”

The decision makers there are all primarily career economists in Government Service even though there's a lot of secondment into policy framing working teams that happens from the financial industry.

Hmm I was thinking of trying to get a secondment with our companies VC arm - to try and leverage my experience and to get experience of due diligence so that when our employers make huge investments we don't find out about this new integration challenge in the FT

Secondment definitions


a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"

See also: second endorsement indorsement


the detachment of a person from their regular organization for temporary assignment elsewhere