Searching in a sentence as an adjective

Complexity, Big O notation, sorting and searching are introduced in the first two or three weeks.

Especially if I'm out at night, I wonder, "Is there a police sniper in there, and do I look like the perp they're searching for?

Yes, Google is basically just a better X searching tool than X provides, where X is most every web site on earth.

Whooops, now that data is also sent to Amazon. Imagine a normal person searching for emails that includes their credit card.

It's not well known that searching for many keys in parallel amortizes well -- it's much cheaper than finding all the keys individually.

There doesn't need to be an OS or a UI for the Apple TV: your phone or tablet will be a better experience for typing and searching for content every time.

Our answer to \nthe question of what police must do before searching a cell \nphone seized incident to an arrest is accordingly simple— \nget a warrant.

Elasticsearch is really awesome for searching, but what most people don't realize is that it makes a better MongoDB than MongoDB while giving you that searching too.

Reasonably fast indexing, expressive searching tools, I could dump the data onto disk and use an in memory SQLite db at the same time, caching solved.

A lot of innovation can be realized by searching through the discarded piles of yesteryear's ideas and asking, for each one, "are the reasons this was discarded still valid?

Let's say there's a site that has some sort of marketplace, and the company wants a better algorithm for searching the marketplace because the current algorithm is some crappy substring search.

I hope this serves as encouragement for them to continue to screw over those who want to turn searching for relevant information into a war for who can cheat the system the best.

I thought long and hard about various complex data structures and caching bits to disk to make portions of the problem set fit into memory, and various ways of searching the data.

It's actually pretty similar to my situation: Google is basically a better Wikipedia searching tool than what Wikipedia provides.

Searching definitions


diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry"; "a searching investigation of their past dealings"

See also: inquisitory probing


having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect; "searching insights"; "trenchant criticism"

See also: trenchant


exploring thoroughly