Dogfight in a sentence as a noun

By the time a dogfight takes place, most of the aircrafts have been taken down by missiles.

It's a dogfight of a market with brutal economics.

I guess it makes sense, if there's a dogfight or a dog attacks a trainer you'd want some video evidence of it.

Unless they're in a dogfight, airplanes do not require constant attention to the outside world.

Dogfight in a sentence as a verb

But in a dogfight a drone would have one big advantage: ability to withstand much higher G-forces.

So it's not the absolutely, mind-bogglingly, helicopter-dogfight rich.

Boyd found that the more his pilots maneuvered and the longer a dogfight persisted the more fatigued the Mig pilots became and the slower their reaction time became until the F-86 pilots were able to maneuver their aircraft into a position of dominance.

Dogfight definitions


a fiercely disputed contest; "their rancor dated from a political dogfight between them"; "a real dogfight for third place"; "a prolonged dogfight over their rival bids for the contract"


disorderly fighting

See also: hassle scuffle tussle rough-and-tumble


an aerial engagement between fighter planes


a violent fight between dogs (sometimes organized illegally for entertainment and gambling)


arrange for an illegal dogfight


engage in an aerial battle with another fighter plane