Scratching in a sentence as a noun

Some comments here express some head scratching on what exactly Sway is.

With Javascript, more often than not, I'm left scratching my head as to what I should exactly use.:/

I'm over 35 as are most of my friends, and I seriously doubt any of them are going to be scratching their head at the cat reference.

There simply aren't enough dollars available for everyone to make a living scratching their own itch.

I've done quite a bit of programming with the OpenSSL library and this article is only scratching the surface of the awfulness.

Most of the time the reporters overstate the research, the scientists keep the data secret, and the general public is left scratching their heads.

The general public is usually left scratching their heads because of this bizarre layer of clueless journalists between them and the scientists.

If it helps to know, the Q&A format on the homepage is the result of scratching my head for a while, thinking "How would I explain this to somebody?

The possibilities are endless, and while Dwarf Fortress is a great game on its own, it's really just scratching the surface of what can be done with world simulation.

That $50,000 cap they perceive is barely scratching the surface of what would be possible for them if they made the damn thing a bit more accessible to the average person.

I thought open source was about "scratching your own itch", not "here's $20, scratch me"Open Source is about availability of the source code, not about paying for the development or not.

It nets you rent money to work on scratching a pet peeve; if you're between clients and you've got something really simple you can wrap up in a month at a discounted rate this is a great idea.

This a high quality 360 degree view of a path along a coral reef - no it's not particularly practical but are you genuinely scratching your head trying to come up with ONE thing it does well?

After consulting them and scratching our heads for a while, we figured we might be able to do it with a shift-reduce parser when a shift or reduce ambiguity is introduced during the course of parsing a source code file.

The european populace is going to be scratching its head wondering why the **** they're denying flights into their airspace at the behest of people who apparently spend all their time spying on them?Seems like a complete and utter mess to me.

Scratching definitions


a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her"

See also: scrape scraping scratch