Sackful in a sentence as a noun

> entire sackful of potatoesif you have a kitchen to cook them, yes.

You can buy an entire sackful of potatoes for around the cost of two slices of pizza, and it'll last for weeks.

Being the immaculate hustler I am, I bought a sackful of those to haul back home to sell, only to learn that if it's too good to be true...

Drinking a sackful of water a day might cause problems for you as well, but no one is dumb enough to try to claim that water is unhealthy.

I lived on the east coast, so it was possible for me to take a day trip to the LOC. there I could spent all day and a sackful of dimes to execute 4-5 cycles of following references before they shut down for the night.

For a while, Fox was particularly eager to take a sackful of new kittens down to the creek; I recall one series didn't make four shown episodes before cancellation.

Sackful definitions


the quantity contained in a sack

See also: sack