Rumen in a sentence as a noun

The rumen was "designed" to digest grass and cellulose, not corn.

At low enough amounts, aflatoxin will be destroyed in the rumen, and won't enter the bloodstream.

The special part of their stomach that allows them to extract more nutrients from certain plant foods compared to humans, the rumen, is “made” for grass.

This cud is passed through the first stomach and into the rumen, which contains beneficial, digestive bacteria.

Just reading the article you provided and "Feeding high grain diets to cattle unequivocally lowers the formation of CH4 in the rumen.

The bacteria in the rumen essentially ferment the cud and make compounds which can be digested in the subsequent stomaches.

More specifically, 200 trillion bacteria, 4 billion protozoans, millions of yeast and fungi present in the rumen of a cow, the first of the cow's two stomachs.

Cattle aren't adapted for grain, upsetting the delicate balance bacterial balance of their rumen, causing sickness.

[1]>Researchers have found that when the oil content of the ration exceeds 7 percent, it can be toxic to the microbes in the cattle’s rumen and decrease digestibility.

Bromoform in high amounts is toxic, but it's believed that bromoform in these trace amounts changes the chemical reaction being undertaken within the rumen such that methane is no longer a product.

When switching over to grain, acid builds up in the rumen which can lead to acidosis, so we then have to pump the cows full of antacids to keep them placated while we continue to fatten them up for slaughter.

Could we skip a step and just eat manatee steaks?~Perhaps we could get the same benefit by feeding the whole herd seaweed for a month, then put everyone but the fistulated cow back on regular feed, and just mix her rumen contents into it?

The big difference between ruminants and humans digestively is:- in ruminants, bacteria-assisted "fiber digestion" happens before protease-mediated "protein digestion": the rumen precedes the abomasum.

Rumen definitions


the first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; here food is collected and returned to the mouth as cud for chewing