Ration in a sentence as a noun

The ration of 6&9 to 3 is what you want to reduce.

I'm delighted that my choco ration is going up to 25 grammes.

We can touch base if the migration workload increases too much, OK?

In terms of client-side MVC vs server-side renderings, the ration is more like 90/10 or 95/5.

It may use the golden ration, but I don't find the iCloud logo that nice or that memorable.

So I learned to ration it out and collected a sizable library of tapes I could cycle through.

Coming from Australia, where we've recently come off a 10-year drought, rationing drinking water is far from the next thing.

Your argument rests on the flawed premise that the reader is a passive fool waiting to be spoon-fed their morning panic ration.

"Given, as long as I'm not being force fed the stuff as a government ration, I don't really see it as a problem, I just get sad when I see it marketed as 'future food'.

Ration in a sentence as a verb

Its there today too, but back then you were eligible for rations at subsidized prices, I remember standing in long queues outside ration shops for wheat, rice, oil, sugar and kerosene.

Simple schemes make it transparent like an SMS that will reply telling you the current stock of a given shop, when new stocks will arrive and so on so that the shop keeper cannot simply cheat you out of your ration.

A civilization might do this either to hide from others or because the maximum efficiency of their energy extraction system would occur when their waste heat matched the background ration.

If the government of Indian bought it and then managed it like the existing ration system that would not necessarily actually improve the lives of the intended beneficiaries.

I've originally moved from Reddit to HN because of higher quality, but now r/programming and language/technology-specific Subreddits have a much higher content/noise ration than HN.

You'll get more insight into the design of languages like Haskell and ML and acquire a bunch of new abstractions which have a very good "power-to-weight" ration: that is, abstractions which are surprisingly general and expressive but also simple.

If you start from no screening it's very easy to stop a lot of bad ***** without stopping many good *****, but as you apply tighter and tighter criteria the ration of good ***** you accidentally stop for each bad drug you stop gets higher and higher.

So if you’re spending a half hour a day on migrations, it would be 80 working days before we saw a return on our investment—that’s like 4 months, and that’s just too long for me to sanction—precisely because you’re such a valuable member of the team, and I can’t spare so much of your time right now away from our feature backlog.

Ration definitions


the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced"


a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)


restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"


distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"