Rubberneck in a sentence as a noun

We can't help but rubberneck at violence and sex.

Even if you walk here in the suburbs, people in their cars rubberneck and find you interesting.

People certainly rubberneck when wedding processionals go past.

Ironically, "Gaffer" is the German word for rubberneck.

The commentors on fuckedcompany were the kind of people that like to rubberneck around accidents and disasters.

Rubberneck in a sentence as a verb

Let's not groupthink our way into believing we are anything more than drivers who have slowed down in the opposite lane to rubberneck at a car crash at this point.

It's better to resist indulging your compulsion to rubberneck the latest startup drama and get back to either being productive or at least going outside and climbing a tree or something.

"So while it may not be true that the lurid nature of his demise is the reason in a "people like to rubberneck" kind of way, his death at an early age is likely part of why the world knows of his work.

Traffic suddenly slowed to a crawl as we navigated the worst of the curves - mostly to rubberneck at two 20-something tech bros who had just crushed the front of a brand-new red Ferrari into the rock wall.

If you're not already convinced that most cable news is editorialized for political gain, then surely you're convinced that is unhealthy to rubberneck at every problem in the world.

Rubberneck definitions


a tourist who is visiting sights of interest

See also: sightseer excursionist tripper


a person who stares inquisitively

See also: rubbernecker


strain to watch; stare curiously; "The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident"