Lurid in a sentence as an adjective

I enjoy the lurid artwork on the older ones, too.

You do live in the land Kafka could only have lurid nightmares about, though.

The "scandal around depression quest" is a bunch of lurid sexism, nothing more [1].

And the lurid headline does not help either, especially when one writes to criticize "click whores.

[1] Does not count: lurid speculation about what the government would like to do to Snowden; blatant trolls that degrade the discussion intentionally.

I suspect HNers will be inclined to pit several technical nits with the affiant, which might distract from the ******-for-hire plot described in lurid detail therein.

We get all our information through a game of telephone by media organizations that incentivized to write the most lurid stories possible.

So if we believe the R&R story, then we can increase the growth rate through [auctioning off the California coastline].People are fixated on the lurid detail of the story; do the Google search and see the "bad numbers!

And if there's anyone I trust to give me the scoop on the IRS, it's Wesley Snipes' tax lawyer!From the filing: A lurid but vague class action accuses corrupt and abusive IRS agents of\n stealing 10 million people's medical records without a warrant - including\n "intimate medical records of every state judge in California.

Lurid definitions


horrible in fierceness or savagery; "lurid crimes"; "a lurid life"


glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism; "lurid details of the accident"

See also: shocking


shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke; "a lurid sunset"; "lurid flames"


ghastly pale; "moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence"