Sightseer in a sentence as a noun

I'm not entitled for support when I'm developing for their platform ... and I'm supposed to be a sightseer 4 years in the future.. I'm gonna stop right there...

[citation needed] If anything, the new pillar attracted even more people, both pilgrims who had earlier visited him and sightseers as well.

I don't travel as much as I used to and I think it's mainly because I'm too shy, and I feel more like a sightseer and less like a traveler that wants to connect with each new place.

The French or doing anything they can to revive there stalled and dismal tourism Industry that is suffered from the Islamic terrorist attacks and over bearing waves of "Muslim refugees" who have harassed tourists, actually, Muslim terrorists who mowed sightseers down with a semi truck on basil day.

Sightseer definitions


a tourist who is visiting sights of interest

See also: excursionist tripper rubberneck