Rubberise in a sentence as a verb

The housing of the switch is metal with rubberised feet and bumpers.

I've never used a hose that wasn't rubberised - that's in the UK and a few other western European countries.

Perhaps I should clarify that I meant the hoses have a rubberised sheath; not that the hose was necessarily just rubber.

After Hesjedal unclips his right foot, the only points of contact between the bicycle and the road are the rear tyre and the rubberised hood on his brake lever.

I believe synthetic sapphire is available for watches and smartwatches but not for any actual phones?Best solution is a case with rubberised corners.

We had a problem with native parrots who ate everything; our weather stations had rubberised doppler probes... eaten; plastic cable ties... eaten; anything not metal... eaten.

Rubberise definitions


coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"

See also: rubberize rubber