Rubberize in a sentence as a verb

The top of the lid is some sort of rubberized metal.

What I like most about the Nexus 7 is the soft rubberized backing.

You'll end up a with a black, rubberized finish similar to the CR-48.

The paint comes off and scratches much easier than the Lenovo black plastic and rubberized case.

Enjoy things that won't harm you without the rubberized prophylaxis.

Another option might be rubberized plastic as seen on some Android models.

Long term, the main point of failure for me is always the outer rubberized cable layer starting to fray near the connector.

Well-engineered, rubberized mounting systems and the enclosure mean you only heard the faintest hint of cars rocketing by at speed.

Samsung obviously copied their design concept, and didn't even try to improve on it. How about a rubberized, textured back, like the Kobo ebook reader?

The rubberized backing but still has nice proportions for everything else, makes it akin to the equal and opposite to the latest iPhone.

The only thing I think you could do would be to wrap it in rubberized plastic like a toughbook, but then you'd end up with a 2" thick brick of rubber that nobody would want to buy.

The hard ones are those that are left out in the sun and humidity the shell absorbs moisture which causes them to "rubberize", they bounce rather than breaking which transferred more energy to the player.

In that study, they had two playgrounds -- a "safe one" with rubberized mats and chaperones keeping a watchful eye and a "dangerous" one with tall structures, concrete, piles of wood, metal poles and no adult supervision at all.

Rubberize definitions


coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"

See also: rubberise rubber