Rottenness in a sentence as a noun

Looks like a business ripe for disruption, too -- ripe to the point of rottenness.

A bit like arguing the Great Depression was nothing more than a purge of rottenness from the system.

Every so often they flare up into the mainstream but then get killed by the rottenness of the people that espouse them.

If you're picking tomatoes, some will be rotten at random, you select ones that look tasty - that's random rottenness and active selection.

That case did very impressively demonstrate complete rottenness and impotence of the System.

"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate… it will purge the rottenness out of the system.

First, most peoples' lives are still shitty, and what's becoming more clear is that this is unnecessarily so, thus showcasing the rottenness of human nature.

There’s a special kind of rottenness in big orgs when the only thing they can produce is “like X but by us”.I understand why it happens, I’ve been on a few projects like that.

Critiquing it because "it's not that hard" and "that's not where the value is" really misses the point, and illustrates something of the rottenness in the Silicon Valley / VC approach.

Yes; The rottenness of the other officers does not necessarily mean that they do these bad things, it means that they provide a shield for some officers to continue to behave like this.

It's tempting to dismiss this as just e-lebrity gossip, but I think that this kind of rottenness is probably more dangerous to the Valley than threats from Washington or talk of bubbles.

Luminous these were too, beautiful and yet horrible of shape, like the demented forms in an uneasy dream; and they gave forth a faint sickening charnel-smell; an odour of rottenness filled the air."

In suggesting it, Keynes was making fun of people like Andrew Carnegie who advocated letting market forces "liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate... [and] purge the rottenness out of the system".

That is the worst part for me, knowing about the rottenness in a company, knowing it "could" be addressed by a strong leader providing incentives for good behavior and disincentives for bad behavior, and knowing that no fixing will happen.

Daily life had for him come to be a phantasmagoria of macabre shadow-studies; now glittering and leering with concealed rottenness as in Beardsley's best manner, now hinting terrors behind the commonest shapes and objects as in the subtler and less obvious work of Gustave Dore.

Rottenness definitions


in a state of progressive putrefaction

See also: putrescence putridness corruption


the quality of rotting and becoming putrid

See also: putrescence