Roam in a sentence as a verb

It is not safe to roam about in wee hours not even for men. Except may be in Mumbai and a few more cities.

You ever wonder why the street kids don't exercise their freedom to roam in less wealthy areas? Food for thought.

From about age 6 or 7, I was allowed to roam with local children until the street lights came on and as long as we stayed in a group. If I was late I would not be allowed out the next day, or longer depending on how late.

Giant brainless animals roam the ocean looking to sting and absorb prey without ever really knowing they're even doing it. They're pretty much ocean zombies.

If you roam around any of the cities in India, you see nothing but a third world nation, with rampant poverty and horrific infrastructure. And of course in the villages, it's even worse.

Also, there's probably an advantage to remaining quiet and still in the dark, when human eyesight is at its worst and predators roam.

Everyone sits out in the open, even the executives, who freely roam about the floors, taking up residence on couches, at long tables, or in the cafeteria. Sounds like a horrible place to work for me.

And if I stay the night, she looks at whether I get up at 3 am to roam the kitchen for more of them cookies. This is basic human behaviour but somehow lost in the academics of business administration.

I deny my house cat the ability to roam outside, but she still seems rather content with eating and sleeping and being petted in an environment devoid of danger. But my betta fish seems to swim along the front of his tank as if he wants to enter the world in which I live, and I couldn't grant him that even if I wanted to.

With concept art work, you can find mind-bogglingly talented people who, when you give them ideas and let them roam free, will do these face-meltingly awesome concepts that inspire you so much you just want to make huge posters of them and jump inside. People just get so excited hiring amazing artists and seeing what they can do with few limits in place.

Don't you that that it'd be desirable to reduce the mental hurdles so that those with different mental predispositions can roam freely? [1] I think doctor/lawyer/accountant were omitted because there are very few who enter these professions each year and is statistically somewhat irrelevant.

Consider the EU drastically cutting roaming charges. What was so blatantly obvious that even the senile, crooked decision makers at the EU couldn't miss it? All the providers already roam over the internet, at basically zero cost for both parties if you consider that speeds are limited by the over-the-air interface at either end.

Letting my paranoid imagination roam wild, recall a few years ago when Google suddenly became very, very chilly towards China, after reports of some deep compromises. My hunch is that Google perceived a threat so extreme – like an attempt to hijack their auto-update mechanisms – that it resulted in an all-new level of lockdown and resentful cold war.

Given that the terms change from what the worker originally agreed to - for example, a lot of these work camps don't bother paying the workers, and freedom to roam is curtailed - it's more analagous to slavery than indentured servitude.

And avian meat was a pain in the **** to harvest - you had to roam all over the map looking for the changing spawn points and if I remember correctly, you would only have maybe 20 pieces of the resource for every hour hunting - it was seriously time consuming. So I never encountered a hunter who was selling bulk amounts of avian meat - they all sold in dribs and drabs and so had no negotiating power with me.

I was left to roam the internet freely starting around age 10, saw my fair share of liveleak-style material, lost some sleep over it and grew up into what I like to believe to be a fairly well-adjusted adult who can only shake his head at the sort of things people in his generation experience irrationality-inducing terror over.

Rather, its maintaining a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers around your current location, some of which may be located more than one hundred miles away from your iPhone, to help your iPhone rapidly and accurately calculate its location when requested This actually makes sense - looking at the logs on my iPhone and iPad, the locations where pretty far away from the places where I usually roam, and actually there was a very great deal of places where I've never been, not even close.

Roam definitions


move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"