Restriction in a sentence as a noun

Negligence would be too likely the charge if tight restrictions were not put in place.

Also there are a lot of restriction on the brand and how you use it when release an Android product.

Any kind of restriction like this is incredibly risky.

It is Debian's run-parts that imposes the naming restriction.

I understand why they do it, but I just don't like that they place an arbitrary restriction on the number of private repos.

There's also no restriction on presentation and interface.

The severe restriction placed on travelers is similar to a trend of restrictions placed upon soldiers following 9/11.

It's impossible to enforce every legal restriction in software.

Then these multinationals can distribute to everyone who wants to buy the movie without DRM, without regional restriction and at a competitive price.

This may be schadenfreude, but as someone who's been around the web a long time, it really tickles me to see Microsoft have to fake their user agent string to get around an arbitrary browser restriction.

The restriction makes a lot of business sense: you don't want a major brand suddenly floods the market with comparable displays but at less than half of the price of iMacs and Cinema/Thunderbolt Displays.

Large groups of individuals making small individual decisions based on limited information have collective effects which can be seen as a computer, where regulations and restrictions on the decisions they can make become the programming.

Apparently Congress specifically intended this restriction, because earlier drafts of the statute had broader language that merely included "proprietary economic information having a value of not less than $100,000".

Restriction definitions


a principle that limits the extent of something; "I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements"

See also: limitation


an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)

See also: limitation


the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary); "the restriction of the infection to a focal area"

See also: confinement