Restive in a sentence as an adjective

Even if it was particularly restive, it would let their users get a feel for it before paying.

Just tried 'mongol', 'restive', 'philharmonic' and '27b-stroke-6'.Presumably the Mongols liked bureaucracy, since the colours were the same for those two...

They allow a lot of freedom to the rich/intelligentsia of appropriate ethnic groups and restrict the "restive" segments of their population.

But in my experience, the majority of that poor reputation is garnered from the kind of communities that Reddit harbours, which have grown larger and increasingly restive.

"The current rebellion has been led by Sen. Ted Cruz, a young fundamentalist lawmaker from the restive Texas region, known in the past as a hotbed of separatist activity.

What I see, as an active participant on the site, is a restive user base that increasingly sees itself as neglected and taken for granted by a dismissive and aloof leadership.

Restive definitions


being in a tense state

See also: edgy high-strung jittery jumpy nervy overstrung uptight


impatient especially under restriction or delay; "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive"