Resistant in a sentence as an adjective

Every time it happens, I dislike them more, and become more resistant to creating an account.

The parasitic upper class is still a problem, and resistant to improvement.

People who might be generations down the line from you infected with a super-resistant strain that can be traced back to you and others like you.

If the cancer relapses it can be resistant to chemotherapy I've been exposed to before, which makes the prognosis a lot worse.

* Google is resistant to any change that might improve engineer productivity beyond the rather plodding rate it has now. C++ and Java are the real house languages; Scala's not even on the table.

> Dukes believes, though he has no evidence, that the bacteria in his gut became drug-resistant because he ate meat from animals raised with routine antibiotic use.

Isn't that the single biggest source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

Google didn't have to spend time and money on things like getting resistant cities to allow them in or deal with onerous requirements - Google's proposition was "we'll pick whoever bends over backward the most for us".

I'm confident that more bacterial lineages will be wiped out before human medicine is seriously compromised by natural selection of bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics used in human medicine.

This really reminds me of how Yanis Varoufakis, Valve's economist, describes most firms:> Interestingly, however, there is one last bastion of economic activity that proved remarkably resistant to the triumph of the market: firms, companies and, later, corporations.

This means that even if certain ***** are effective, there will be a small population of cancer cells who may have mutated in such a way that they are resistant, so even if a treatment gets 99% of the cells, that final 1% can restart and the same bet-hedging strategy is re-employed to create another, diverse set of cells.

To clarify the headline: the article doesn't suggest that this is a direct consequence of the GM crops themselves, but rather than the adoption of herbicide-resistant GM crops has led to much higher use of herbicides, killing non-GM plants such as milkweed that would previously have also lived in the fields and which are important to the Monarch's reproduction.

Resistant definitions


relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)

See also: immune


able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress; "the plant is tolerant of saltwater"; "these fish are quite tolerant as long as extremes of pH are avoided"; "the new hybrid is more resistant to drought"

See also: tolerant


impervious to being affected; "resistant to the effects of heat"; "resistant to persuasion"


disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority

See also: insubordinate resistive


incapable of absorbing or mixing with; "a water-repellent fabric"; "plastic highly resistant to steam and water"

See also: repellent