Bastion in a sentence as a noun

I'm not saying HN is the bastion of the tech world.

Reddit has SRS. These two websites are not some bastion for sexist pigs.

Just because someone slings some code doesn't make them a bastion of clear engineering practice.

If you can, get all this stuff behind a VPN too, so that the address of the bastion host is nonroutable.

I feel like the US is one big democratic tease, pretending to be a bastion of free thought and high ideals.

Either way it seems that he was a bastion of reason and moderation compared to these IOC goons.

Not exactly a bastion of poverty and destitution.

Considering mozilla is basically the last bastion of freedom in the world of major web browsers, I sincerely hope they ignore your advice

PayPal, that exhalted bastion of ethical business practices, will be very successful in this appeal to public sentiment.

Even if they're wrong?Even Hacker News, once the bastion of calm, rational discussion, has devolved into a bar room brawl whenever gender issues are talked about.

Some of its excesses are the result of institutional traditions dating back a century, when it was seen as a bastion of civil order against anarchists and, later, political progressives.

One defense strategy that mitigates some of these threats is requiring all "back-door" access from the public internet to go through a few minimally-configured, easily audited bastion hosts.

Notch strongly believes that the computer should stay a bastion of openness in order to sustain a indie game community--indeed, the majority of my own games I play today are small, independent games that provide a unique experience that I would hate to lose due to higher barriers to entry.

This really reminds me of how Yanis Varoufakis, Valve's economist, describes most firms:> Interestingly, however, there is one last bastion of economic activity that proved remarkably resistant to the triumph of the market: firms, companies and, later, corporations.

Bastion definitions


a group that defends a principle; "a bastion against corruption"; "the last bastion of communism"


a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle

See also: citadel


projecting part of a rampart or other fortification