Reservoir in a sentence as a noun

Wait, is this reservoir one of the large, open, lake-like ones?

The few beans trapped in what I'd call a "reminder reservoir" will be enough to remind users beans go here.

Now, imagine this discovered reservoir is 400 km "deep".

Even a small drought would see a significant change in the water level for a reservoir.

Communicate your love with every word and embrace, and you'll fill a reservoir that will never go dry.

Not HackerNews readers -- read reservoir and think of a resource we can tap for our curren needs, a "reserve" of water.

This is a really poor illustration, because it only includes Lake Oroville, which is a reservoir.

"It would be worthwhile to meditate on this while people work to remove the Hetch Hetchy reservoir from existence in the name of "restoring nature.

It's also a misconception to equate huge-reservoir hydro with all hydro.

It's that difference in time scale, or equivalently the size of the reservoir, that determines whether something counts as "carbon neutral" or not.

Its original founder, Charles Foreman, left the company about a year ago. Although the start-up raised $17 million in venture financing, the company had nearly burned through that reservoir.

How alive is terrorism, really?How challenging would it be to poison a reservoir, poison random groceries across the country, blow up the Alaska Pipeline, etc. Any motivated terrorist would attack us where we aren't so vigilant.

Reservoir definitions


a large or extra supply of something; "a reservoir of talent"


lake used to store water for community use


tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil)


anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies; "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival"

See also: source