Relate in a sentence as a verb

As an Indian student who tried to get through the "system", I can relate to this.

I can relate to this, but I can also relate to the other side of the question.

Teachers would say things like, "This is a great story, but my kids won't be able to relate to it.

How did a case which apparently was not about sexism come to be so closely related to it?

An artist either has to relate to the consumer or the artist has to be someone they idolize.

Funny how jazzed I get when it's data that I can really relate to...I've already structured my data warehouse and started the loads.

Both areas of law relate to the idea of "alienable rights" -- stuff that only you are entitled to do, that you can sell or give away so other people can do.

I can relate well to your comments, since it is the same stuff that I hear from our developers as they defend Mongo after yet another horrific situation.

Dumping Linode's database is bad, but root on their hosts is far, far worse, and by indications, I don't think they got it.- How does this relate to the Bitcoin hacks of yesteryear, you ask?

I occasionally even see them not as people, but the same way I would see a group of dogs or other animals interacting -- I notice their behaviours, I try to figure out WTF it is all about, but I just can't relate.

But we were using his service up until three months ago, and had a lot of problems with intermittent performance issues that seemed to be database-related since the site was still working and only certain pages would take 30 seconds or so to load.

Specifically, pursuant to this interpretation, an unauthorized intentional monitoring of a cellular phone call could be lawful should the content of the communication relate to vehicles or persons in distress, but unlawful otherwise.

It can take months of experience to figure out "oh, this API is failing to correlate chargebacks in these specific circumstances, but I can work around the issue like this" or to learn what all the different kinds of error messages that a user can end up seeing so you can provide support.

Relate definitions


make a logical or causal connection; "I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind"; "colligate these facts"; "I cannot relate these events at all"

See also: associate link colligate connect


be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"

See also: refer pertain concern touch


give an account of; "The witness related the events"


be in a relationship with; "How are these two observations related?"

See also: interrelate


have or establish a relationship to; "She relates well to her peers"