Mongo in a sentence as a noun

And since the rest of it is so easy to use, that makes mongo a great starting point for most projects.

I'm so glad this wasn't another case of someone just ranting about using mongo for the wrong purpose and being mad about it a year later.

You can always switch databases later, but mongo gives you the flexibility to concentrate on more important things in the early stages of a project.

If you try to add capacity to a system at 100% utilization, it is not going to work.> 5. mongos is unreliable> The mongod/config server/mongos architecture is actually pretty reasonable and clever.

Which is why you should put it on its own server..."it begins to slow down the application because of frequent disk access""Finally we sleep quietly, and don’t fear that mongodb will drive out redis to swap once again.

Proper Noun Examples for Mongo

I tried to write an equivalent of phpMyAdmin for the Meteor+MongoDB combination, but I couldn't figure out how to how to provide clients with an always updated view of mongo collections without running them out of memory.

Mongo definitions


100 mongo equal 1 tugrik in Mongolia