Rejoin in a sentence as a verb

If I need to rejoin Sprint to get the next iPhone, that's no problem.

What, I rejoin last night and there's already an article about it?

The ones that attempt to "rejoin" lines and re-word-wrap also make a similar mess.

No one will get operator permissions unless _all_ people leave first, the first to rejoin will be the new 'owner'.

After the extended network partition ends, and the two big swarms rejoin, what do users find is different?

We have turned on autohealing, but I don't like the fact that minority nodes simply wipe their data when they rejoin the cluster.

Over long periods of time, it causes marked social atrophy and can become really difficult to rejoin society.

People who are convicted of ****** did what they did for many different reasons, and making a blanket statement that they're all monsters and should be denied even the chance to rejoin society is wrong.

What exactly makes them unhireable when they rejoin the workforce?Furthermore, how do you know the person you're interviewing will tell you that they were looking after kids, or working at McDonald's.

Treat prisoners with respect, give them a dignified place of living so they can think about what they did, and you'll find that actually both improves their mental condition and makes them very well suited to rejoin society.

Rejoin definitions


join again


answer back

See also: retort repay return riposte