Durian in a sentence as a noun

Consider the durian fruit, how it smells, how it makes us hold our noses and laugh.

My late dad planted mango, star fruit, citrus, durian, guava.

And in other food related messages!There is a place in the ID that sells durian milkshakes.

First new flavors out of the gate are durian and Mountain Dew.\n\nCan't be much worse than hazelnut, or vanilla.

Many people find the smell of durians equally repugnant... and you can buy durian flavored gum.

I wouldn't want to litigate durian, as I am too chicken to try it. I have general sympathy for fruit enthusiasts and am inclined to believe you about their virtues.

If I give you a free durian sandwich you are not obligated to like it or to hold back your criticism, you should be free to say "dude, this tastes like garbage water.

"Could" might mean "if you're already predisposed to arrhythmia" or "if you're somewhat allergic to the ingredients".As it stands, I feel that sentence could apply to any atypical food, like pickled herring or durian fruit.

Durian definitions


tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind

See also: durion


huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts