Rejoice in a sentence as a verb

Now, of course, I may rejoice in this.

"The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.

Did you redesign Facebook and make hundreds of millions of people rejoice at the new easier layout?

When it happens to the 55th largest company you rejoice because they have the power and motivation to change the rules.

Everytime I hear someone complain "there's too much stuff on my disk", I rejoice that I am not instead hearing "Docker ate my data".

We all can create, some better than others, and we can all rejoice in that process because it is one of the fundamentally rewarding things we can do in life. It is in our nature to build things, and to improve upon them, and to innovate.

But before we get all cold-hearted and rejoice at the wonderful invisible hand that will correct all, can we for a moment remember that it's going to affect mostly the people in the trenches?

You can even stick it behind your firewall and IDS on your DMZ and rejoice!I very much doubt anyone who throws this out in no time at all actually has the capacity or planning to operate a virtual mail system.

Rejoice definitions


feel happiness or joy


to express great joy; "Who cannot exult in Spring?"

See also: exuberate exult triumph jubilate


be ecstatic with joy

See also: wallow triumph