Wallow in a sentence as a noun

So many others just wallow in grievances - I'm grateful to read this piece.

I love the fact you didn't give up on your original idea, you wallowed in it!

I wallow in it for a while, enjoy feeling sorry for myself which may go on for days or weeks.

He sometimes wants to inflict pain upon himself, to wallow in the ensuing misery, and enjoy it.

We should feel utterly devastated that we let genius wallow in menial jobs.

Let them wallow in their cesspool of after-the-fact self-righteousness.

When all the players in an industry wallow around at the same level of mediocrity, that isn't really market diversity.

So if you're a Perl programmer, are struggling to find a job that lets you wallow in the Perl pool, and don't mind capping your earnings around £50k, give bioinformatics a whirl.

Wallow in a sentence as a verb

I'm afraid of losing the happiness I have, of somehow breaking the spell and being expelled from Mt Achievement to wallow in the shadows with the rest of the benighted.

Sure the founder might feel loyal to some of the employees, but his/her job is to allocate resources to pick the best talent, not to wallow in sentimentality.

It's so cute when people ridicule superior engineering like plan 9 while they wallow in the incredible quagmire of so-called pragmatic systems.

Letting yourself wallow in bona fide clinical depression is unhealthy because it reinforces neural structures that strengthen your depression, making it harder to get out of, and easier to relapse into later.

We run a pretty unsexy business too, and despite having tried "sexy" quite a few times, we eventually embraced the notion that there are a ton of hard problems to solve for the core market and we should just wallow in them instead of trying to be one of the cool kids.

Just because I might disagree with your methods of equalizing income, doesn't mean I "believe poor people deserve their lot and should wallow in it."You've turned a political disagreement about the methods to accomplish some desirable goal do so into a moral argument.

This video seems to wallow in fanboy nostalgia and its conclusion boils down to "Can you just please remake Star Wars again but more HD-y-er"The prequels were horribly acted, but the attempt to make a classical backstory to illustrate the fall to a romantic frontier was, to me, admirable.

Wallow definitions


a puddle where animals go to wallow


an indolent or clumsy rolling about; "a good wallow in the water"


devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure; "Wallow in luxury"; "wallow in your sorrows"


roll around, "pigs were wallowing in the mud"

See also: welter


rise up as if in waves; "smoke billowed up into the sky"

See also: billow


be ecstatic with joy

See also: rejoice triumph


delight greatly in; "wallow in your success!"