Reinforce in a sentence as a verb

They needed to reinforce the spots that didn’t have bullet holes.

The more you reinforce your wish to feel smart in this way, the more common you in fact become.

"[A guy in charge] said the military didn’t need to reinforce the spots that had bullet holes.

I stopped following the news for a while since it only wanted to reinforce my fear of the future.

All this article will do is reinforce the belief that wages need to rise for people who already believe it.

They also serve to reinforce the company's new direction of mobile and cloud.

Basically, if I find some tasty berries while foraging, reinforce the memory of the walk I took to get to the berries.

Tom Preston-Werner likewise [3] makes sure to reinforce the fact that GitHub is immune to lawsuit while providing no real details.

It's ironic and also a little sad that by your poor reading comprehension skills, you sort of confirm or reinforce a point that he wasn't even making at all :/

What better way to reinforce it than to see a tech giant make some of the mistakes lesser companies make: If you can at all help it, don't base your product on someone else's technology.

After all, he was the guest of the Argentine government, who had invited him to come speak at this conference in order to reinforce their appearance of commitment to free software.

"Third, to reinforce how strongly we feel about the low risk of fire in our cars, we will be amending our warranty policy to cover damage due to a fire, even if due to driver error.

The two men outlined the design flaw and described their proposed solution: to systematically reinforce all 200+ bolted joints by welding two-inch-thick steel plates over them.

Imagine feeling like a broken human, only to have society reinforce that depression means you're broken; it creates a secondary, even more powerful disturbance in your mind.

I'm concerned that giving comment-approval power to people with x amount of karma will reinforce many of the existing problematic aspects of HN instead of opening it up to better discussion.

I think they just reinforce the current paradigm where the people in power -- mostly men -- have reason to err on the side of shutting women out in order to protect themselves from potential scandal or accusations or similar.

It's hard to write this, and my opinion is probably biased because of it, but this article is nothing but a giant load of ********** and is a carefully constructed as "feel good" to reinforce the preconceived notions the author had going into it.

Reinforce definitions


make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete"

See also: reenforce


strengthen and support with rewards; "Let's reinforce good behavior"

See also: reward