Reenforce in a sentence as a verb

If their readership wants to be fed convenient lies that reenforce their world view that's their perogative.

I guess my assumption has always been the McDonalds cashier isn't a career, it's a way to enter the job force, earn some money, and move on. This seems to reenforce that perspective.

Don't these anecdotes just reenforce patio11's point though about the difference in mindsets?These two anecdotes describes places/bosses that seem completely toxic.

Library science is a field that is predominantly women and using female-gendered language can only help to reenforce that perception.

The better question is why governments spend so much time trying to reenforce social stratification by placing so many qualifications on social programs.

> Is the fact that it is written in "pure Python" really the most important thing to reenforce after the name of the product itself?It's definitely a selling point for Python programmers, because it's so easy to use with your Python projects.

"CodernityDB pure python, NoSQL, fast database"Is the fact that it is written in "pure Python" really the most important thing to reenforce after the name of the product itself?Why would I use this over established products like Riak, Redis, MongoDB, etc?

Reenforce definitions


make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete"

See also: reinforce