Reflexive in a sentence as a noun

If not, what would you value it at?Answering that question requires hard thought; reflexive scepticism doesn't.

"himself" is the technically correct word for singular reflexive when the gender is unknown

When you post, please ensure that whatever opinion your comment expresses, it points in a thoughtful, non-reflexive direction.

Being fast, efficient, and reliable, it worked and makes me a reflexive Amazon customer.

".But on second thought, it's probably just the reflexive servility of the average american.

Reflexive in a sentence as an adjective

Or could it be that it's exactly this sort of reflexive government-bashing that makes it easy for the general public to elect fools and charlatans?

Although I don't do this in a setting where it's possible to set a test, as such, I do ask this question: An equivalence relation is reflexive, symmetric, and\n transitive.

I've done all sorts of crazy reflexive joins with it, used the meta programming capabilities to bootstrap my ORM from nothing, added my own rails like scope features to the session maker, etc.

If so you'll understand that it is possible, indeed sometimes common, for people to take rhetorical stances without actually understanding the position they are taking, out of a reflexive support for their party / faction / coalition of preference.

What is more, as video streaming has begun to supplant things such as DVDs, I have moved somewhat zombie-like into Amazon's Prime streaming service for the reason, among others, that I have developed my reflexive relationship with the company and have found it easy to try their other offerings before I will move to offerings of other vendors.

Reflexive definitions


a personal pronoun compounded with -self to show the agent's action affects the agent


without volition or conscious control; "the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light"; "a reflex knee jerk"; "sneezing is reflexive"

See also: automatic


referring back to itself

See also: self-referent