Recompense in a sentence as a noun

In recompense for 32 years of chattel slavery, any dollar amount would be a laughable pittance.

In those cases the staff decide among themselves who will be providing support, and the company policies about recompense are clear.

So multiply 99 cents by a small thought-leader/early-adopter market of 37 people and you've got dinner at Chili's as just recompense for all that effort and risk.

Recompense in a sentence as a verb

Given the cost ineffectiveness of a t-shirt, particularly at a low price like $15, other than Chris' eternal gratitude, what sort of recompense would people want for that level of support?

"And such is the definition of a negative externality - to offload the costs of these effects onto other tenants and even the city, without any recompense.

That's probably the single thing about identity politics that crosses me the worst: there are actually legitimate points in there, but they're so deeply buried under assertions like "you can't say X around me because I'm Y" and "P's have mistreated Q's for so long that Q's deserve special treatment from P's in recompense", which may not be contested in any fashion but must be taken as axiomatic, that ordinary people of all stripes, who would otherwise be quite sympathetic, instead flee screaming into the night.

Recompense definitions


payment or reward (as for service rendered)


the act of compensating for service or loss or injury

See also: compensation


make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"

See also: compensate repair indemnify


make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"

See also: compensate remunerate