Raspy in a sentence as an adjective

Lost in my thoughts I hear a raspy old man say, "good morning".

Why not just rewrite the raspy thing in ccl, or some other lw lisp?

Muted guitars, raspy whispers, for well adjusted Nirvana fans.

The audible audio book is especially good because the narrator nails his raspy but dogged voice.

And it was kind of raspy, which was weird, because the melody seemed more classical and classical clarinetists have super clean tone.

We have also observed the hoarse, raspy mating calls of these nicotine-addicted birds.

It didn't catch on as well, because cheese tastes better, and doesn't have raspy, sticklike hindlegs that get stuck in your teeth if you don't snip them off with kitchen scissors.

Over here the only almost reliably available is the raspy.

I had a coworker with laryngitis last winter, and I found myself unconsciously lowering my volume to be closer to his raspy voice.

Initially I was slightly put off by the authors raspy Chicago tones but by the end it really felt like the author had been telling his stories to you personally with the colour and character that one would pick up in person and I was glad to have heard this telling rather than as you say a 'robot'

It sounds like you're "welcomed" with an intrusive interrogation and if you get through that you have to endure:* the world's crappiest food, and too much of it* loud, raspy, nasal voices* constant risk of being shotOK the country looks beautiful but you can get stunning natural scenery elsewhere on the planet with added culture

Raspy definitions


unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound; "a gravelly voice"

See also: grating gravelly rasping rough scratchy