Gravelly in a sentence as an adjective

Deep, gravelly, I don't give a ****, voice.

" It's a human voice, with a gravelly east coast accent.> "Yeah?

I can't help reading the first couple paragraphs in gravelly film noir voice.

I have one person who has a gravelly loud voice which can be heard above all others.

I've gone barefoot a few times - it's a bit sore on gravelly ground but other than that not terrible.

Under my window a clean rasping sound When the spade sinks into gravelly ground: My father, digging.

Under my window, a clean rasping sound When the spade sinks into gravelly ground: My father, digging.

Before he was this gravelly ill his ability to reach people was only a small fraction of what it is today.

All of my running surfaces are rocky or gravelly, and the Sprints do not provide enough protection for me against stone bruising.

Maybe the audio should use a gravelly voice to say: "Gooooood" or "Something something something darksiiide.

Frankie could unlock his own cage from the inside, and mimic human speech in a gravelly whiskey and cigarettes voice that sounded like Janis Joplin’s angry ghost.

The movie doesn't do much for me, but I can't wait for the trailer with the gravelly voiced announcer guy saying "In a universe where P==NP...", followed by 5 minutes of droning on about math.

K8s doesn't really have a fully built out "apps" resource, so that starts the whole process down a gravelly ***** of pain... with initial care and if your team need to groom their k8s configs, you can go a long way with helm before the pain starts.

Here are the first two sentences of the second paragraph, a typical example of the book's style:> It was at such a midnight hour that two men moved like gray shadows along the gravelly inner edge of a sickle-shaped gap between two low dunes, and the distance between them was exactly that prescribed by the Field Manual for such occasions.

Gravelly definitions


abounding in small stones; "landed at a shingly little beach"

See also: pebbly shingly


unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound; "a gravelly voice"

See also: grating rasping raspy rough scratchy