Ranting in a sentence as a noun

Or a page of essays ranting about various topics.

While I'm ranting, mice with heavy batteries aggravate carpal tunnel.

Much of the ranting has been emotional or tribal, but I am interested in reading coherent viewpoints about objective outcomes.

When I read something like this, I always think back to when I would see some tinfoil-hat type ranting on Usenet 20 years ago about the growing surveillance/police state in America.

I think this is an important post in its own right, something we should all be talking about, but at the same time I think its somewhat tangentially related to what raganwald was ranting about.

We'll never find out what pg really thinks of Monsanto or the idea of doing business with them, because all we've got is his understandably snippy reaction to what sounds like the aggressive ranting of an insane person.

Am I the only one that considers all of this ranting about Nodejs to be a little bit strange?I would have never expected a post that was obviously a troll to prompt this much of a reaction on both sides of an issue.

It's sad that it takes someone famous ranting about Apple's censorship to solve the issue, when it all could have been avoided by saying "We are aware of the problem, it has to do with the iOS 7 upgrade, we are working on a software fix, if we can't fix it we will replace the affected iPhones.

Ranting definitions


a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

See also: harangue rant