Harangue in a sentence as a noun

Hey Steve,Who do we have to harangue to get Rust to rename "Vector"?

There's an awful lot of assumptions in your whole harangue.

She did not corner you at a party and harangue you for 20 minutes.

Based on these and your previous harangue against your team, I think you should consider seeking help.

And if it were women, they'd harangue you for your use of "jacket" as a metaphorical sexual slur.

Yet another harangue from a capitalist running dog.

I would have expected a harangue by Dick regarding how thoroughly the movie trashed the setting and premise of the book.

Harangue in a sentence as a verb

Please don't harangue us about the decline of HN from an anonymous noob account, or cite the HN guidelines while breaking them.

We need to attack those problems, not do something too focused like harangue on Amazon specifically.

In Wilhelm’s dockside harangue to the German contingent setting out for Peking, he urged his soldiers on to cruelty against the Chinese:“Give no quarter!

This is probably because tickets to different destinations have different fares, and so the police can harangue you if you use a 140-yen ticket to take a 400-yen ride.

They just don't know that any payment processor in the world would stomp all over them to the same or greater degree, so they merely level a harangue at paypal for not living up perfection.

I doubt you would appreciate a private security company representative turning up in your living room to harangue you about your open window.

It is not because she is better than her peers, it is because of her relationship to here peers in the context of what they want and what she has. Before you charge up your righteous indignation cannons, this "importance" along with all the times i must sit through a harangue about why i need to be more respectful/appreciative of the greatest nation on earth drives me, and many other americans, completely nuts. i ******* hate it, but when i travel, my brothers and sisters from overseas will only let me be a shitty american.

Harangue definitions


a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

See also: rant ranting


deliver a harangue to; address forcefully