Ragweed in a sentence as a noun

I grew up in a place where ragweed grows dense and 6 feet tall.

If you can do that the problem goes way. Nobody poaches ragweed or dandelions.

I always assumed some middle aged lady in 1803 had just the same problems with ragweed as any of us.

I was horribly ill when I lived in Kansas, probably at least in part because it is ragweed central.

Pollen allergy is about the same, ragweed pollen allergy can be really bad too.

By way of allergy shots for the ragweed pollen, I'm finding myself not nearly as sensitive to either melons or cucumber.

They can’t get allergies.> The animals may be spared the misery of hay fever caused by the ragweed pollen that will inevitably drift into their box on currents of air.

I mean, if you've been shot in the chest, the ER is going to focus on keeping you from bleeding to death rather than poring through a history to note that you're allergic to ragweed pollen, have slightly elevated blood pressure and fractured your tibia 8 years ago.

Is that something you see viability in or are we simply looking at made up hypotheticals that have no bearing in reality?Besides, if you do want to start growing ragweed for whatever reason, since there is no government insurance available you can buy your insurance from the private sector at much lower cost, as you stated earlier in this thread.

Ragweed definitions


widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity

See also: ragwort benweed


any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma

See also: ambrosia bitterweed