Americium in a sentence as a noun

Maybe there's americium in the Buds to detect smoke coming out of one's ears?

Could you stick a smoke detector in a smoke-filled bag with the americium pulled out to make a geiger counter?

For many years people did not realized it, but all Smoke detectors had radioactive americium 241.

I did this as a kid - serious fun. Used the americium from a smoke detector as a source, after several abortive attempts to build a synchrotron...

He was arrested again in 2007 for collecting smoke detectors to collect americium.

This man was standing at his stove, smoking, cooking up a mixture of beryllium, radium, and americium in 96% sulfuric acid.

Except that americium dioxide is insoluble[0], so it wouldn't dissolve in the water supply.

A lot of smoke detectors use the radioactive isotope americium-241 in an ionization process to detect smoke.

He admits to contaminating his stove and the surrounding area with americium, radium, and beryllium.

Americium definitions


a radioactive transuranic metallic element; discovered by bombarding uranium with helium atoms