Photometer in a sentence as a noun

Similarly, a typical LED can be used as a photometer.

This would be an absorption photometer or something similar.

This Support Scientist will assist in the verifying, validating, managing, coordinating, and archiving of the data produced by the Kepler photometer and ground-based follow-up observations.

Heat the kiln to a temperature, put the diffraction gradient in front of an opening in it, and then measure the light intensity with the photometer at various angles from the grating to plot out the spectrum at that temperature.

As it is useful to planetary scientists to look through varying depths of a given planetary atmosphere backlit by distant luminous objects, in practice the cosmological Lyman-alpha forest can be sampled by orbiting Ly-a photometers "for free".

Photometer definitions


measuring instrument for measuring the luminous intensity of a source by comparing it (visually or photoelectrically) with a standard source


photographic equipment that measures the intensity of light