Putter in a sentence as a noun

You used to be able to putter around the caribbean on a few of the mailships.

I had a friend who said he went to the gym every day even if on some days all he did was putter around for 20 mins.

For example, I started playing disc golf and I got on a forum and everyone said "Start with a putter and nothing else.

Ah, I was mostly a "putter in the corner by myself" kind of minecrafter, so I never tried multiplayer.

I think that changes the story from "marvelous putter" to con artists defrauding investors and consumers.

>the XL1 can putter along for 32 miles and at up to 62 mph on electric power aloneI wonder what kind of numbers they could get out of an electric-only version.

Putter in a sentence as a verb

[edit: as to why they'd want to show them wandering around in a vacant building, I have no idea other than pure aesthetics]I was just disappointed he didn't hop on the vespa and putter away at the end.

Can't I take 30 days off to putter around my house, reconnect with friends/family in the area I haven't seen enough recently, read a few books, participate more in local cultural activities I neglect due to being too busy, etc.?

The only plan likely to work even a little bit would be to establish a government bureau of capital and infrastructure investment, such that if the financial industry vanished overnight, the small businesses engine would not putter out.

The guy's a putterer and a philanthropist - and as much as the same geeks like to pit him against the hated Jobs as if the two men were "geek" and "suit" archetypes, Woz has only been able to putter about with various projects and give away money because Jobs actually made them both rich.

It's hard to defend grantland after they wrote a 2900 word apology, but Dr. V+ wasn't a doctor\n+ claimed her putter worked on "magical" physics but it didn't\n+ claimed she was an MIT professor who invented bluetooth and worked on the B2 and had top secret classifications\n+ claimed she was a Vanderbilt\n+ claimed because she was a Vanderbilt she has special relationships with Hilton\n+ claimed her special relationships with Hilton could be used to get access to Hilton golf courses and Hilton customersAnd had at least one investor who said he lost $60,000 of his moneyI think this amounts to fraud.

Putter definitions


a golfer who is putting


the iron normally used on the putting green


work lightly; "The old lady is pottering around in the garden"

See also: potter


do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"

See also: potter tinker monkey


move around aimlessly

See also: potter