Kindling in a sentence as a noun

All you need to start a campfire is a bit of flint and kindling.

That would just fan the flames of an already kindling fire.

Please don't add kindling to a smoldering language fight.

The rest of this honestly does not matter at all, it's just kindling on the fire.

Useful in a post-apocalyptic as fire kindling, and not much else.

Meanwhile, I firmly credit my time on this game as the kindling to my career as a developer.

And in the mean time, they provide me kindling for innovative optimism.

Nothing wrong with a good fork!The original post is sometimes just kindling for other discussions.

Of course, kindling fun and excitement for education and science is already a great, if not the most important, achievement.

What makes a great teacher is the skill of kindling the interest in the subject in your students and then having the skill to transfer you knowledge effectively.

They pause their learning process temporarily but there are no negative emotions there, while the thrill of attempting something new is still kindling.

Kids that small are very intelligent and will get, much more, an emotional kindling for programming from a book like this...I'd take more issue with the obvious branding.

Dollar bills have some [quite limited IMO] utility like the paper being burned as kindling or, "Oh, aren't these neat scraps of paper".Utility != intrinsic value.

"When you take away the outrage-kindling, the gist of the article is that the stodgy old Washington government is incompetent and hip California tech companies are glorious.

This lead to people who had acquired essentially free bitcoins getting paid actual money by folks who wanted to buy very-much-not-free contraband, which helped provide a bit of kindling for the speculative bonfire.

So that's what a "witch hunt" is these days, eh...people blog, comment on the blog, post the blog to social networks, comment on the social network posts, make claims about how they'll change their consuming habits in response to the post...There once was a day when "witch hunt" actually referred to strapping live human beings to kindling and setting them ablaze.

Kindling definitions


material for starting a fire

See also: tinder touchwood spunk punk


the act of setting something on fire

See also: ignition firing lighting inflammation