Chintzy in a sentence as an adjective

It's far too light and chintzy to play on now.

Putting it on the same page as the past logos just emphasizes how chintzy it looks.

I have had several S76 Laptops - and all of them, the cases are plastic and very chintzy.

It was a chintzy elongated white plastic cat, with an IR window across the mouth.

A new Chrome logo that's more plain and boringOr less chintzy and less like a VCR manufacturer's logo from 1979.

Cash is highly fungible, but is still successfully secured with chintzy little locks in many cases.

The best thing I can say about their chintzy-as-**** newer printers is that the printers themselves aren't quite as bad the software.

I've had a number of S76 laptops... and at the time I had them, they were the best bang for your buck on guts, however the cases for their older models were a bit chintzy.

Equipment racks usually are dominated by LCDs and membrane switches that look a bit chintzy, no big pushbuttons in chromed bezels anymore.

Presumably those chintzy press-board shacks shown in the article that are predictably disintegrating are not in Campeche right?

The idea that you can learn anything about playing music by pressing plastic buttons on some chintzy toy is — well, akin to the idea that you can learn to read by watching television.

The evening, though, provided an interesting opportunity to see how power structures preserve their agenda, even in a chintzy microcosm.

You can also get a chintzy version by fullscreening xterm or gnome-terminal with the vt220 TrueType font and green-on-black, but that doesn't give you CRT distortions, or for that matter even correct-looking reverse video.

Prefab only potentially makes sense for light chintzy **** made out of wood and fiberglass, and even then on-site construction teams are very efficient at nailing together stick-wood houses on a concrete foundation so you're not going to save anything.

Isn't it funny how people scoff at ruggedized phones for being "ugly" but then go and slap all kinds of chintzy cases and screen protectors to their fragile phones, making them much uglier than the rugged variant and just barely more resistant to damage than without all that ****?Mind I have never broken a phone, and I take good care of all the units I have had, only replacing them due to obsolescence.

Chintzy definitions


of very poor quality; flimsy

See also: cheap cheesy crummy punk sleazy tinny


embarrassingly stingy

See also: cheap chinchy