Psychotropic in a sentence as an adjective

Now chart the medication of psychotropic ***** in those countries.

Someone start working on a psychotropic that takes back control from the amygdala and call it "su".

I'm not sure I would have made it out of the darkness of my formative years without those profound psychotropic experiences I had as a young man.

No. Don't mention depression or your treatment for mental illness or use of psychotropic medications.

If I go to a psychiatrist, he will ask me a few questions and prescribe a powerful psychotropic that could make me go insane and hang myself.

The problem is that in order to get any psychotropic effects from Tramadol, the dose is so high that a lot of other really nasty effects will come with it.

But be warned that usage of psychotropic substances may act as a catalyst to bring out any latent psychological issues.

In a lot of cases, I think probably the majority, patients on psychotropic ***** could improve well into the normal range through therapy alone without meds.

There are probably several thousand different structures that would acceptable psychotropic effects, if not tens of thousands.

I'm not so much into chemistry, but shouldn't the number of production-viable cannabinoids with psychotropic effects be quite limited?

I was hoping that this article would be about ***, which has been clinically shown to be efficaceous in resetting several psychotropic behaviors.

>> I'm not so much into chemistry, but shouldn't the number of production-viable cannabinoids with psychotropic effects be quite limited?I've been following this lately but not from the beginning.

Idiocracy parodies advertising, GMO farming, psychotropic mists dispensed by ATMs to calm down annoyed customers, and many other topics.

Compared to more recent psychotropic medications, lithium is pretty mild in terms of unwanted side effects; the only drawback is that if you're on a high dose, you have to stay hydrated to avoid lithium toxicity.

Wouldn't Tramadol be classified as a psychotropic just by virtue of it inhibiting your central nervous system?As someone who takes Tramadol for pain, it does have an odd effect when I'm tired: I find I become less tired, as if the Tramadol is making me ignore my fatigue.

Here's my reasoning:* There's also no simple yes/no test for most mental illnesses* It explains why it correlates so heavily with anxiety disorders* It explains why it is treatable with psychotropic ****** Falls in line with the increasing evidence that the enteric nervous system plays a role in both IBS and anxiety

Psychotropic definitions


affecting the mind or mood or other mental processes; "psychoactive drugs"

See also: psychoactive