Psychoactive in a sentence as an adjective

If I had to describe psychoactive ***** in one word, it'd be: unnecessary, at least for most people.

Despite the high prevalent usage, the law makes it illegal to possess any form of the psychoactive.

********** and other psychoactive ***** of the sort somehow affect how we see and think about things.

There are also two different ways that you can get the same health benefits without any psychoactive side effects.

A review of psychoactive substance use and abuse in schizophrenia: patterns of drug choice.

You wouldn't get enough from secondhand vapor to have psychoactive effects, let alone come anywhere near toxicity.

But there's a worrying amount of over-prescribing of strong psychoactive meds among young people without much evidence of efficacy or need.

Whether or not you agree with using psychoactive chemicals recreationally, any misinformation can be dangerous to the people who will use them.

If it can have such a profound effect on perception and personality, research into psychoactives could reveal insights into how we think and how our personalities work.

I am looking forward to a time where the existance of these psychoactive ***** becomes more widely accepted for scientific studies and medical treatment without any of the current demonisation.

Psychoactive definitions


affecting the mind or mood or other mental processes; "psychoactive drugs"

See also: psychotropic