Psychotherapy in a sentence as a noun

Weinberg learned a lot from his excursions in the psychotherapy world, and this book is his best distillation of it.

Honestly, there's a whole field of professionals that's designed to deal with problems like these; it's called psychotherapy.

"The patients in the placebo group improved, too; so a large part of the benefit could be attributed to the psychotherapy.

I don't know you and haven't seen anything like combat so sorry if this is presumptuous, but have you considered psychotherapy?

CBT, DBT, psychotherapy, etc, should be actively encouraged by psychiatrists as first-line options for many of these conditions.

But after about a decade or so of Linux programming, I'm finally feeling level-headed, as though switching to the Linux world were an intense psychotherapy.

I took that to be a reference to classical psychotherapy -- some event happened a long time in the patient's past and that event must be uncovered by the therapist for the patient to address it and recover.

The article is correct in stating that extended psychotherapy may be as helpful as psychopharmacology in treating many conditions but the problem remains is that it is not well reimbursed.

> He recommended a light and I got myself a Philips Energy LightI had to look that one up and felt reminded of my internship in a psychiatric hospital where I was mostly stationed in the psychotherapy center.

However, as much as people do not like to admit it, as much as everyone wants to think that a few hours of psychotherapy and some modern pills will turn any lost soul around, there will always be those people who are outliers and are simply "broken".

The ridiculous moral panic that followed had the effect of shutting down almost all of that research, even some of the non-psychedlics-related stuff, and leaving us with nothing but talk-talk psychotherapy and the ham fisted pill pushing approach.

Psychotherapy definitions


the branch of psychiatry concerned with psychological methods

See also: psychotherapeutics


the treatment of mental or emotional problems by psychological means