Psychomotor in a sentence as an adjective

Studies reveal that as ethanol and sleep loss increase, psychomotor performance decreases and memory is impaired.

Wow, she’s lucky that she saw so many good doctors, I think a lot would have ignored the EEG results and just assumed that it had to be psychomotor epilepsy.

Both caffeine and expectation of having consumed caffeine improved attention and psychomotor speed.

"The findings demonstrate a positive influence of computer games on psychomotor functioning" [1].

When they're starting to come out, that's where the psychomotor retardation relieves enough that suddenly they've got the energy to do something catastrophic.

Both ***** enhanced ratings of euphoria and mood, increased cardiovascular activity, and improved psychomotor performance.

The resulting flood overwhelms lower behavioral centers and results in intense hallucinations of danger, psychomotor agitation, and uncontrolled aggression.

Studies of biomarkers for “depression” might begin by looking across many disorders with anhedonia or emotional appraisal bias or psychomotor retardation to understand the circuitry underlying these symptoms.

Robert Sapolsky described it this way [1]:> You get someone who is severely depressed, like to the point of hospitalization, and when they are absolutely crippled with psychomotor retardation, that's not when you worry about *******.> This is someone who's having enough trouble getting out of bed and getting dressed each day.

In contrast, no improvement was seen in tests of clinical psychomotor performance.> Conclusions: Our results suggest that fatigued doctors might benefit from pharmacological enhancement in situations that require efficient information processing, flexible thinking, and decision making under time pressure.

Psychomotor definitions


of or relating to or characterizing mental events that have motor consequences or vice versa