Anhedonia in a sentence as a noun

From the perspective of this world we are all wired for a state of low-grade depression and anhedonia.

I think the two key elements that are often missing when people use the term casually are anhedonia and persistence.

Search for abulia or anhedonia if you are interested in learning more about it.

"More likely, what you experienced was anhedonia, a symptom of certain types of depression.

I follow a similar pattern, but a major component for me is anhedonia / depression.

The symptom is anhedonia -- the inability to experience pleasure.

There is a vicious cycle of depression where the anhedonia and lack of motivation cause the sufferer to allow the underlying causes to get even worse leading to deeper depression.

Even worse is when motivational anhedonia develops into a full-blown existential crisis, where you fall into a Bartleby-esque† state of having no desire to do anything whatsoever.

In addition, in healthy human beings, you get a rush of dopamine upon this kind of reward, so it's perhaps realistic for someone who is just "feeling down in the dumps".It's not realistic with someone with serious depression and especially with anhedonia.

Yes, we are more isolated, and perhaps concerned for the safety of ourselves or our loved ones, or even for some abstract concept of community or society, but depression is characterized by anhedonia: the inability to feel pleasure.

Studies of biomarkers for “depression” might begin by looking across many disorders with anhedonia or emotional appraisal bias or psychomotor retardation to understand the circuitry underlying these symptoms.

Anhedonia definitions


an inability to experience pleasure