Pronation in a sentence as a noun

* I tented that keyboard to ease pronation in my wrists.

He has wrist pronation/supination that the list in OP doesn't seem to do.

You have total control over the splay and pronation, and it doesn't have a number pad on the right.

Mine is 29" now and integrated into the wall... and I suffer with the pronation.

Wrist pronation was really killing me, and now that's just not a problem anymore.

Do they correct the over-pronation of my ankles?

The long-term fix for me was to strengthen my feet to reduce pronation, to do lots of deep squats, and to focus on "firing" the glutes while running.

Nothing unusual about my feet, average size 10 foot with a normal arch, average pronation.

While they protect against ulnar deviation, they do not protect against pronation and dorsiflexion.

RSI from typing is typically caused by excessive wrist extension, though wrist pronation, ulnar deviation, etc. can also be bad.

Keep in mind that a split-keyboard like the Goldtouch might mitigate wrist deviation and pronation, but it does not eliminate them completely.

Go into a shop to buy running shoes, and you’re greeted by this barrage of technical nonsense about “pronation” and details of your running gait and what sort of support you “need”.

Excessive pronation and ulnar deviation of the wrist are also quite bad. Watching pro players, many of them have their wrists in an extremely awkward position while doing fast repetitive finger motions for hours per day without breaks, which is a guaranteed recipe for RSI.

The lack of heel-support is a huge contributing factor to over-pronation and probably Plantar Fasciitis.

A good number of people simply have flawed feet, resulting in pronation, supination, and any number of other pain-inducing mechanical oddities.

Your entire body weight is borne by your feet - treat them nicely!Folks with weight problems or diabetes tend to have foot issues as well - exaggerated pronation/supination, plantar fasciitis, and swelling to name a few. There are solutions for nearly all of these problems and are highly recommended for general use, not just for standing desks.

> There are ways to run that are less damagingI looked into this quite a bit some years ago and found no research to suggest more cushioned shoes, less cushioned shoes, pronation-control shoes, barefoot running, etc. have any effect on injury rates.

Pronation definitions


rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward