Professorship in a sentence as a noun

Because there are probably fewer brand name pornstars out there than people who hold a professorship of some kind?

The kind of pay, job security, and benefits that come with the MIT professorship that Berners-Lee has are enormously beneficial to ones peace of mind.

I think Terence Tao is one of the few professors in mathematics for whom the professorship market is truly liquid, and his salary history reflects that.

"If you want to find a Data Scientist, find yourself a disgruntled postdoc toiling away on brilliant scientific research, but failing to land a professorship because all the professor jobs are taken!

There are many, many, many, many, many, many, many PhDs who aspire to professorship, particularly at flagship institutions, largely for lifestyle reasons.

If I had a nickel for every snotty remark by an arrogant first-year grad student about how they're not going to have trouble finding a professorship, I think I'd have enhanced my earning power more than the actual degree.

He's retired from his professorship but still runs an active research group making awesome software to liberate knowledge from scientific publications, and he runs the Open Knowledge Foundation and various other groups.

Publishing a few good papers isn't enough, you have to be "THE guy/girl" in an in-demand specialty to get a job. Your observation that this requires a business/PR/advertising mentality in addition to the ability to do solid research is spot on, but I think the game changes long before professor-hood, and I think that anyone who successfully obtains an entry-level professorship has already demonstrated competence at playing it.

My favorite quote from this has to beMeanwhile our eager-****** researcher, undismayed by logic-of-science considerations and relying blissfully on the “exactitude” of modern statistical hypothesis-testing, has produced a long publication list and been promoted to a full professorship.

I guess the emerging subtext here is: are you happier once you win the lottery?Maybe you are interested in some contrast from academia?I managed to become the academic equivalent of "never have to work again rich", namely, I got a tenured-for-life can't-fire-me professorship at a major university.

Professorship definitions


the position of professor; "he was awarded an endowed chair in economics"

See also: chair